Friday, August 27, 2010

oh ya i just remeberd congratulations aunty nona

route 66 museum

hi ang how r u yes i know we will be bffls forever <3 today we went to route 66 museum it was fun hi miss hamton im wondering everything is fine how r u and the class :-)

Monday, August 23, 2010


thank you all foller's


today was the worst & best day ever!!! the best thing was that we got are new carravan !! the worst thing was that the toilet had bugs in it when we got out cause it was only me and my mum she got her shoe and hit the bug when i didn't know she was ganna do it so i screamed then started to cry :-). It is summer over here, today was 107f then tomorrow is going to be 100f ,i hate the weather so hot. We all have a tv one is in our room one is in mum and dad's room and the loung tonight is the first night we sleep in it .It is 10:40 :-0.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


we all miss every one i couldent meshon every one so all the people i did'nt meshon i still miss all :-)

nona's baby

im a aunty again!!!!nona had her baby just when we finished our packing our bags there was a phone call from our half bro saying that nona had her baby at 7:50 so we asked that if we could go to the hospital then that was a nice start to the day

Friday, August 13, 2010

6 days to go :-)

to all my freinds

when i leave to all my freinds i will miss all of u i hope you have all the fun like if im there espesholy to Angela Chealsea Shannen Olivia andSam

mix up

well my old boat was the best boat :-( but thats sold i had that boat since i was born i did'nt whant to sell that boat but eney way i get the best persons dream that boat allwas riminds me when i fell of the top of the boat :-O the reason i fell off the boat is because my mum gave me wine [EDIT FROM MUM: it was lemonade in a wine glass!!]she said it was juce when new yars day this year  the best thing about the trip is that thers a place called disniy world not land its a diffrent one in it is harrypotter land